December 16 1969 Syracuse Ny Weather

December 16 1969 Syracuse Ny Weather - December’s average is 30. 4”, january 34. 0” and february 30. 3” seasonal snowfall piling up. Even with measurable snow on 14 of the first 15 days of january, syracuse’s. Syracuse hancock international airport, usa). See more current weather. * reported dec 31 12:54 am — jan 15 12:15 am, syracuse. Syracuse, ny weather history star_ratehome. Dec 01 dec 04 dec 07 dec 10 dec 13 dec 16 dec 19 dec 22 dec 25 dec 28 dec 31 10 15 20 25 30 35. It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the new york city temperature history for december 1969. You can drill down from year to month and even day. May your days be as merry and bright as christmas 1932 where syracuse had a high close to 70. But, may all your christmases be white, with snow in the air. December 1949 weather history in syracuse new york, united states. The data for this report comes from the syracuse hancock international airport. See all nearby weather stations. Historical record of syracuse, new york weather for the year 1969 based on noaa data. Syracuse hancock international airport, usa). See more current weather. * reported dec 29 5:54 pm — jan 13 5:54 pm, syracuse. December 1964 weather history in syracuse new york, united states. The data for this report comes from the syracuse hancock international airport. See all nearby weather stations. Dec 01 dec 04 dec 07 dec 10 dec 13 dec 16 dec 19 dec 22 dec 25 dec 28 dec 31 10 15 20 25 30 35. It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the new york city temperature history for december 1969. You can drill down from year to month and even day. May your days be as merry and bright as christmas 1932 where syracuse had a high close to 70. But, may all your christmases be white, with snow in the air. December 1949 weather history in syracuse new york, united states. The data for this report comes from the syracuse hancock international airport. See all nearby weather stations. Historical record of syracuse, new york weather for the year 1969 based on noaa data. Syracuse hancock international airport, usa). See more current weather. * reported dec 29 5:54 pm — jan 13 5:54 pm, syracuse. December 1964 weather history in syracuse new york, united states. The data for this report comes from the syracuse hancock international airport. See all nearby weather stations. You can also check out other.

December’s average is 30. 4”, january 34. 0” and february 30. 3” seasonal snowfall piling up. Even with measurable snow on 14 of the first 15 days of january, syracuse’s. Syracuse hancock international airport, usa). See more current weather. * reported dec 31 12:54 am — jan 15 12:15 am, syracuse. Syracuse, ny weather history star_ratehome. Dec 01 dec 04 dec 07 dec 10 dec 13 dec 16 dec 19 dec 22 dec 25 dec 28 dec 31 10 15 20 25 30 35. It features all historical weather data series we have available, including the new york city temperature history for december 1969. You can drill down from year to month and even day. May your days be as merry and bright as christmas 1932 where syracuse had a high close to 70. But, may all your christmases be white, with snow in the air. December 1949 weather history in syracuse new york, united states. The data for this report comes from the syracuse hancock international airport. See all nearby weather stations. Historical record of syracuse, new york weather for the year 1969 based on noaa data. Syracuse hancock international airport, usa). See more current weather. * reported dec 29 5:54 pm — jan 13 5:54 pm, syracuse. December 1964 weather history in syracuse new york, united states. The data for this report comes from the syracuse hancock international airport. See all nearby weather stations.

December 16 1969 Syracuse Ny Weather